Posted by Aaron J. Bossig on 03/09/07 03:11
Derek Janssen <ejanss@comcast.net> wrote in
>>>Although the idea that the Jan-Feb. surge really WAS caused by all
>>>those new PS3 gamers, getting their "bonus Blu-Ray disk" offer after
>>>opening their new machine from last Christmas, still fails to
>>>penetrate through the cement.
>> I think what this really shows is that 40.97% of people buying
>> at DVD Empire didn't realize that BluRay discs were on sale on
>> Amazon this week.
> Although, now that Blu-Meanie probably isn't reading his own thread
> anymore, would it be safe to confess...
> <locks door>
> <pulls windowshades>
> <looks around furtively>
> <checks lamps and phones for bugs>
> ...I've been thinking of getting that big HD TV/player upgrade next
> January, and have been entertaining evil Blu-Ray fantasies, as soon as
> the new player drops its price? 0_0
Oh, I wholeheartedly agree. I was originally going to be format-
neutral, buying into both while I waited to see which format won out...
however, with the HD-DVD exclusives I'd want being so few, it doesn't
make financial sense for me to buy both players or LG's combo at this
point in time.
I'm doing the same thing-- investing in BluRay simply because it's
providing a better overall package. In a year, I'll revisit that
decision and see if there's a compelling reason to buy a second player
for a second HD format.
Just because I'm buying into BRD doesn't make our resident BluRayPimp
correct. His logic is terrible and he's been wrong about almost every
"fact" he's presented to promote BRD. He isn't the first troll in a.v.d
to do his own argument more harm than good.
BTW- if you're looking to get into BRD, the Samsung BDP-1200 looks
pretty slick.
Aaron J. Bossig
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