Posted by Lew on 03/09/07 05:54
Penguin Commandos for Gore. wrote:
> On Mar 8, 9:28 pm, "Jordan" <l...@earthlink.net> wrote:
>> On Mar 8, 5:05 pm, "Penguin Commandos for Gore."
>> <getr...@1upandup.com> wrote:
>>> PLEASE MAKE IT STOP! Why is this on a Java newsgroup? And why are my
>>> videogames getting thrown into a high def movie format war! UGH!
>> In fairness, it is a Java ADVOCACY group as opposed to a Java
>> programming group.
>> As for the HD movie/game thing... isn't this what the whole synergy
>> thing is about? :^)
>> - Jordan
> Well, I guess in some sense of warped logic, the debate did end up in
> one advocacy group, where this entire fricken flamewar should be.
How about we take this out of clj.advocacy?
-- Lew
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