Posted by ushere on 03/20/07 04:57
>> I think there are now a couple of generations that never heard of
>> "tube cameras" or horrors like hours sitting at the console dialing
>> in registrations and then trying to get the cameras to look like
>> they were in the same room. I needed a good laugh. I wonder if
>> "ushere" has ever seen decent video?
> Richard, the problem is that Leslie (ushere) didn't say any of the
> above. When Vic Thomas replied, he snipped a wee bit too much of the
> post. We've exchanged several emails over the past few years and
> leslie knows what decent video is.
> BTW, count me in as someone who agonized over tube registration :-(
> Some things about the "good old days" are best forgotten :-)
> Mike
thank you mike, your defence is much appreciated!
richard, like both mike and yourself, been there, done that, and thank
god, we've moved on.
but the op asked a question, i answered to the best that my decrepit
memory allows, and tailed with the new dv cameras etc.,. however, you
never know what people are going to do - perhaps he never had the
hippy-trippies with registration after a joint or two (well, i was so
much young then than i am today). heaven help us, maybe he's going to
set a new trend in 'youth' market effects....
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