Posted by Gene on 04/09/07 16:40
I have been unable to reliably copy (dub) a Sony Digital-8,
or MiniDV tape to a set-top box DVD recorder. The Sony
brand camcorders of either Digital-8, or miniDV will
crash when trying to copy via the firewire to a Panasonic
ES20 or ES46V player/recorder box. The Canon brand
camcorders do not have a problem transferring data via the
firewire ports - only my Sonys.
After tinkering with this problem for some time, I have finally
found a work-around solution that works 100% of the time.
In summary, here is how you make a Sony Digital-8 or miniDV
camcorder with firewire out dub to a Panasonic ES20, etc.
1. Place a known good (brand new) digital tape in the Sony
camcorder, rewind the new tape, then record onto the new tape for about a
minute. Rewind and play back the minute of recording you just made.
It should "fix" the Sony camcorder so that it plays the old tapes perfectly.
2. Connect the Sony camcorder to the Panasonic (or other) recorder box
and dub as usual. The Sony camcorder will now transfer via firewire
as expected. If the Sony camcorder becomes contaminated again, then
just repeat the steps above. I have to repeat the steps two or three times
in 8 hours of copying Sony digital tape to DVD-Rs.
For reasons that I do not completely understand, the Panasonic recorders
seem to transfer "bad" code into the Sony camcorder's nonvolatile memory -
causing the Sony digital tape camcorders to appear defective. That is, play
a perfectly good tape as if the heads were VERY dirty, etc.
Anyway, the solution is to "restore" the Sony camcorder memory by recording
and playing back a minute or so on a NEW tape.
Hope this helps someone... it's been a real pain for me, as I really wanted
to get good quality Sony (low light) tape onto DVD-Rs. Working GREAT
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