Posted by Derek Janssen on 04/09/07 16:52
Jay G. wrote:
> Well, you guys get your wish, as Universal seems to be stopping combos for
> catalog titles:
> http://www.engadgethd.com/2007/04/03/universal-giving-up-on-hybrid-hd-dvds/
> I read somewhere else that one studio is going to re-release some previous
> combos as HD DVD only, but I can't find the link at the moment.
Of course, if you read down the blog comments, you find:
According to Amir (Microsoft Exec) over at avsforums, they've decided to
go combo on all new releases, and non-combo on catalog titles. According
to him, this was due to customer feedback. People don't want to have to
rebuy the DVD side if they already own the disc.
(Plus, the fact that HD and SD use similar mastering technology means
we're never likely to see DVD/Blu-ray combos in the near future, like
Sony ever would anyway...)
Derek Janssen
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