Posted by P.C. Ford on 04/10/07 03:31
On Sun, 8 Apr 2007 13:00:14 -0700, "Richard Crowley"
<rcrowley@xp7rt.net> wrote:
>"David" wrote ...
>> I am interested in knowing what do you folks think of Adobe Creative
>> Suite 3 Production Edition, what do you think of the price and when do
>> you think is a good time to buy it? Thanks for your help!
>If you have to jump in, seems like the sooner the better.
>The price goes up with every new release. The whole
>Adobe dynasty is overpriced for my taste. They seem to
>be trading on their name and rep. I would seriously
>consider looking elsewhere if I were starting today.
Well, maybe. I had been using Premiere 6; I was blown away by how much
better PP2 is. A quantum leap.
This version I don't know.
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