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Re: VHS vs. DVD - comparing horizontal resolutions

Posted by electrochrome on 04/10/07 02:58

"To all the people who spend tens of thousands of dollars on high-
state-of-the-art home entertainment systems and the newest formats and
all and then use it to watch bad Hollywood CGI movies or current TV
shows I ask, what's the point? Watching something that's actually good
on a 13-inch TV set is a much more meaningful and enriching experience
than watching crap on a 50-inch screen with surround sound and high
resolution. "

Yes indeed. As the video formats have gotten better, the movies have
gotten worse. There exists some crossover point at which the video
resolution is so high and the movie scripts are of such low quality
even the most gullible moviegoer will stop watching the junk Hollywood
puts out on on Blu-Ray/HD-DVD and go back to unavailable classics on
VHS. I've got a lot of classic films taped on VHS back when AMC
was worth a damn. Guess what? You can't get these movies on
DVD or HD-DVD or Blu-Ray and probably never will be ablle to.

The biggest hoot is the wild popularity of YouTube. Talk about
crappy video resolution...! And people don't care. YouTube
is insanely popular and that's what people are watching nowadays.
And the video quality on YouTube is total sh*t. People care
about the content, not the video quality, and Hollywood is
run by coke-snorting lawyers too stupid to realize it.



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