Posted by Derek Janssen on 04/12/07 23:28
Doug Jacobs wrote:
> In alt.video.dvd Lamey <viking@yourass.net> wrote:
>>More netkopping? You're such a dipshit.
> I think of him as more of one of those little yappy dogs. You know the type.
> They're the ones that will wait for you to encroach on "their territory", run
> up to you and yap incessantly at you ankle. They're more of a minor
> annoyance than anything else. Most people just ignore him, despite his
> constant multi-post replies which contain little more than repitive,
Repetitive, in that, by dictionary definition, it follows the same pattern:
1) Anyone new he sees posting he calls "retard", or wacky variation
thereupon...It's FUN!
2) Anyone who brags about a piece of hardware just can't compete with
his COOL PSP, and all the ways he can use it!
3) Anyone who mentions a new piece of computer hardware just can't
compete with all his kewl retro gadgets he still uses!
4) Anyone who mentions cool downloading or movie piracy, he'll extol the
virtues of his Big, Big Geek Collection by using his new favorite word
"Equity, equity!"--Even though the last time he did, we pointed out that
DVD's pretty much become worthless in resale value overnight, and he
promptly changed the subject.
....There--Now I've removed all possible suspense about what he'll say
next, so you don't have to respond to his threads just to find out.
You can all thank me later.) :)
> profanity laden insults.
Or, to put it another way:
And remember back to the pre-Jon Stewart "Daily Show", and the Internet
reports from "Lord Viper Scorpion"?...
....Just sayin', is all.
Derek Janssen ("Fear my keyboard wrath!")
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