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Re: Is FCP studio worth switching to?

Posted by Smarty on 04/13/07 02:23


I have the same opinion as nappy. Using the very latest version of FCP
Studio HD on the very latest / fastest Apple Desktop workstation (Xeon Quad
MacPro 3.0GHz) I have found the rendering and previewing of content to take
far longer than the PCs I use here which are much less expensive and have
much less expensive software. I am seriously considering dumping the entire
system in fact, although there are situations where this Apple solution does
make a lot of sense, namely, if you are in an already established Apple
environment, or if you do mostly multiple camera NLE. The program called
Motion is a lot like After Effects but to me is less appealing. The
Compressor software in Final Cut is terribly slow. Most irritating to me is
the Apple pre-occupation with their Quicktime formats and the lack of
support for mpeg2.

I use the Vegas / DVD Architect suite, Premiere, and several other PC tools
which get the job done very efficiently, and I almost never turn the MacPro
on. I think a laptop running this suite would be even more disappointing in
terms of performance to say nothing of the screen space limitations unless
you also add a big monitor. Even if you did, Motion and other Apple software
uses the graphics processor card(s) for rendering, and even the extra cost
very high performance $450 card I added to this MacPro is still
marginal.....and I hate to imagine how a laptop's graphics card would waste
a lot of waiting time.

I hate to get into this Apple versus PC discussion at all, because it sparks
a lot of discussion with a lot of heat and smoke, but very little "light". I
would only caution you before spending many thousands of dollars as I did
for FCP Suite HD and Apple hardware to get a lot of opinions before taking
the plunge.

If this is Apple bashing, so be it...but I readily admit that I have owned
many Macs starting with the 512K machine over 20 years ago, have owned Apple
stock, etc......but I just do not think FCP and the hardware to support it
make the most sense for many if not most users.


"nappy" <> wrote in message
> "Luis Ortega" <> wrote in message
> news:eTyTh.499$
>>I value the advice that I have been given here on many occasions. I
>>recently took a course on Final Cut Pro 5 and I was very impressed by what
>>I saw.
>> The studio version includes a music creation program and a special
>> effects program that some say is comparable to After Effects, plus a dvd
>> creation program and some sort of file format converter, which I think is
>> called Compressor..
>> My current software is Avid Xpress DV HD and Premiere Pro 2 on Windows.
>> FCP seems to have all of the features of Avid and Premiere Pro plus a few
>> more very interesting workflow features.
>> My question is what people who are really familiar with these programs
>> think about the idea of getting a macbook pro and FCP studio 5 as opposed
>> to continuing with the Windows series of programs that I already own.
>> I didn't have enough time to really get into all of the programs of FCP,
>> and I am not that familiar with how stable Apples and FCP are.
> Don't be swayed by the hype PPro2 is vastly capable. As is the AVID
> offering. You would be wasting money. IMHO.
> Get After Effects.
> I never saw any realy use in the music portion of the Soundtrack Pro tool.
> Others have. But as a composer.. it was useless to me.
> YOU would be spending a great deal of money for hardware and software for
> minimal benefit.



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