Posted by ------------ on 04/13/07 00:01
Really?--I thought it was a pretty *funny* parody of the MPAA-
haxx0r posters who claim that any region coding, music protection or
anti-piracy law is another "step towards fascist corporate
(Y'know, like, "Thanks to Steve Jobs, I'm never listening to another
song ever again!"?)
....That imitation was a HYSTERICALLY on-the-mark spoof, right down to
the "I bought my stuff at Wal-Mart" bit--
>Almost had me believing it for a while! :-D
You pro-Hollywood types really do think that Hollywood is the be-all
and end-all of the world, don't you?
Do you really think you can save your dvd businesses by convincing
everyone else that my totally accurate totally serious post is a
Well, think again.
Everyone who knows me says that I have single-handedly been keeping
the dvd industry in business.
So,, you see, without my business, you WILL go out of business.
Simply because the person who has singtle-handedly been keeping the
dvd industry in business is no longer buying any of your Hollywood
product, whether on tape or dvd.
That's only common sense logic.
Not that any of you pro-Hollywood types understand common sense logic,
You';ve already lost my business. So it's already too late for you.
The dvd industry will soon be out of business.
Without me buying your product, you'll be in the negative, since I
have been single-handedly keeping the dvd industry in business.
Well, no more.
As far as I'm concerned, your products and policies are already
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