Posted by Justin on 04/17/07 17:28
Derek Janssen wrote on [Tue, 17 Apr 2007 13:06:50 -0400]:
> Justin wrote:
>> Richard C. wrote on [Tue, 17 Apr 2007 07:04:44 -0700]:
>>>I am so glad that we can provide you with a life.
>> Sorry to say it Richard, but it definitely appears that he is providing
>> you one.
>> You do realise you're just as much of a twat as MP, I hope
> Even though Justin's just playing fellow parasite-troll here, he's got a
> point:
Actually, every once in a while I contribute something of value to the
group, while Richard just provokes whatever nym Darkmatter has taken
this week. Darkmatter bitches, tells one or two posts that aren't about
piracy a direction to head for an answer. Derek posts something of
little consequence and makes a witty (hahahahaha, whatever) comment in
his signing of a message.
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