Posted by Justin on 01/09/06 16:30
NYC XYZ wrote on [9 Jan 2006 08:01:49 -0800]:
> Justin wrote:
>> Yes, there will be a few that stay in the higher price ranges
> I doubt that it's only "a few." And in any case, such exceptions
> contradict the claim that it's simply a matter of waiting for prices to
> drop.
It is only a few, most DVDs, by far, come down in price by leaps and
>> If it were a communist society they would be free.
> No, you misunderstand communism, then.
An economic or political system based on the sharing of all work and
property by the whole community.
>> Once again, DVDs are a luxury, and the studios charge what people are
>> willing to pay.
> Yes, but the discussion here isn't about what people are willing to pay
It's always about what people are willing to pay, If people weren't
willing to pay it wouldn't be available.
> -- heck, some people obviously aren't willing to pay anything, LOL --
> but about the claim that piracy raises costs. It simply doesn't,
> except due to Macrovision royalties and such.
Prove it doesn't!
You have just proven that it does.
> Why not just eat piracy as a cost of doing business? Which they do
> anyway, you can be sure of that. You do what you can -- enforcement,
> prevention, and so forth -- but stop the bullshit that it raises costs.
> It doesn't.
So, costs of doing business don't raise costs now?
>> Yes, I can see all the people pirating Woddy Allen crap right now...
> Right, so why's some of that stuff so high?
Because people pay that for it.
> It's one excuse after another...oh it's high 'cause demand is low, so
> no economies of scale...oh it's high 'cause demand is high, so short
> supplies...oh it's high 'cause of piracy, so you're paying for that
> "lost sale"...BULLSHIT!
It's high because it's pretentious crap and pretentious people will pay
for it
>> Memory chips, kept artifically high? Are you insane?
> You obviously need to read more. Much more.
I can quite easily see 1GB Dram sticks for $80.
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