Posted by the dog from that film you saw on 04/23/07 15:56
"def456" <def456@none.none> wrote in message
>A lot of movies now come out on DVD in 2.35:1 aspect ratio, width to
>height, so called anamorphic. That causes a large black area at the top and
>bottom of the screen and poor picture quality with ordinary 4:3 TVs, and
>also significant black bands at the top/bottom with the newer 16:9
>widescreen TVs. Since nobody has TVs to view 2.35:1 properly, why do they
>produce it?
because that's how they were made, and they consider it better to show you
the film as made rather than cropped.
having said that, there's nothing to stop dvd makers putting a crop signal
on the dvd so that those people who dont care for authenticity can have the
film chopped to 16:9 - i really dont know why this isnt used as standard -
no need to put effort into panning, just crop and be damned.
That fly... is your magic wand.
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