Posted by webpa on 04/24/07 21:49
On Apr 22, 5:38 pm, Bob Ford <imagesinmot...@sbcglobal.net> wrote:
> On Sun, 22 Apr 2007 13:55:38 -0700, Bob Ford
> <imagesinmot...@sbcglobal.net> wrote:
> >I have been working with Premiere Elements for about 1 month now and
> >have completed my first 60 minute project with it.
> >I have 2 DVD burners in my system - main one is in the computer case
> >and is a Plextor PX-716A and the other is a Pioneer and is part of a
> >Primera robotic duplicating system.
> >The issue is being able to burn a DVD from the Elements program. At
> >first I was able to burn 3 DVDs directly to the Plextor drive but
> >there was always some hinky crap about the drive not being ready, no
> >media present etc. when these things were not true. Now it will
> >absolutely not burn a disc in the Plextor but it will in the Pioneer
> >drive.
> >I can copy the same 60 minute program in my computer using my Toshiba
> >read only DVD drive as the source and the Plextor as the burn drive
> >and doing so using Nero. Tells me that the Plextor is working fine
> >which I thought was the case.
> >Many phone calls to Adobe tech support have left the telling me they
> >think the Plextor drive has failed. I don't agree with that and I am
> >wondering if there are some compatibility issue between Elements and
> >the Plextor?
> >Any ideas appreciated. Thanks.
> >Bob Ford
> >Images In Motion
> >www.imagesinmotion.com
> Computers, grrrr
> OK so answer this one for me...
> just after I posted this I tried one more time to burn my 60 minute
> project onto my Plextor drive. Again had to select the re-scan
> function to show the program that the Plextor did indeed have media
> present and was ready to burn a disc...
> and it did so perfectly.
> In the very beginning it was able to burn a 1 1/2 minute disc from one
> of the tutorial lessons and 2 discs from my 60 minute project and
> after that NOTHING. Many attempts, no discs burned.
> One of the Adobe techs had me upgrade to the latest firmware for the
> Plextor which was 1.11 from the 1.01 it came with in 2004.
> That didn't fix anything so I reverted it back to version 1.03 and
> that is the only thing I have done different and now it seems to be
> able to burn a disc.
> I don't get it. I do like all the neat stuff the Adobe program can do
> but it can still annoy the living sh*t out of you.
> After reading all the difficulties people have with computer editing
> no wonder I have resisted all these years and I am mostly still a tape
> to tape edit old geezer ;-^)
> Bob Ford
> Images In Motionwww.imagesinmotion.com
At the risk of sounding counter-intuitive: Have your installed the
Adaptec ASPI layer (assuming you are in WinXP)? If not, Google for it
(or go to the Nero site) and load it up. Don't ask why this should
matter, but for anything involving an optical drive, it matters.
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