Posted by WinField on 04/26/07 14:31
Jay G. wrote:
> On Wed, 25 Apr 2007 22:00:01 -0700, WinField wrote:
>>[FS still has] more detail. Not just being closer to objects.
>> Wrinkles around the eyes. Skin pores. Easier to see the threads and
>>weave of cloth. Small text/print on objects not as fuzzy.
> So to clarify, the 4:3 version shows less actual image, but that reduced
> image is shown in more detail than that portion of the image is on the WS
> DVD. correct?
Exactly. This is what I have discovered with "Die Another Day".
When I get a chance, I hope to compare one or two more flicks in the
same way.
> So this proves that the 4:3 version is not "reprocessed" from the WS DVD
> and isn't an inherently "VHS quality", less resolution or less detailed
> version of the film, as Derek originally asserted.
> -Jay
Indeed. Derek's comments on this subject were really over-the-top WS
fanboy dribble.
- = - = -
I am not that knowledgeable about all the different ways studios process
movies into 720 x 480 DVD containers. But one of your explanations
reminded me of something ...
I have both WS and FS versions of Narnia. I was very disappointed by
the "wide-screen" version of this movie. It added a wee-bit more
picture left-and-right but gosh, it sure cropped top and bottom of scenes!
One of the few flicks that probably should be watched fullscreen. (Yes
I know, a blasphemous comment to make in this group.) 8~P
off to the Bat-Mobile!
- winf
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