Posted by The Meerkat on 05/04/07 05:50
Doug Jacobs wrote:
> In alt.video.dvd The Meerkat <the_meerkat@hotmail.com> wrote:
>> Simple solution. If you must have a card, get a debit card instead and
>> keep low amounts of money in the account.
> Not such a good solution.
> First, most places don't even make you enter a PIN to use a debit card.
> One swipe, and the money's gone - YOUR money. I saw an article that a
> cashier at a Burger King accidentally charged a customer $2200, instead of
> $2.20.
My debit card doesn't get swiped because I *only* use it on the net.
It's idiotic to charge $2.20 to a debit card...
The mistake was immediatly caught by the cashier, but there was no
> way to transfer the money back in a timely fashion, resulting in all sorts
> of problems for both the restaurant and the customer.
Who is silly enough to have over $2,000 dollars in a *debit card*
account? The most I've had is $200!
> Second, unlike credit cards, it's really not in the bank's best interest
> to help you resolve a faulty debit card charge. Why? It's not their
> money. With a credit card, the bank takes on the charge in the hopes that
> you'll pay them back (hopefully with lots and lots of interest...) If
> there's a dispute over a credit card charge, the bank hasn't gotten paid,
> so they're going to be a lot more interested in helping figure out who's
> got their money.
If I lose a small amount of money over the net using my debit card then
I don't care - as I said, I've never had more than $200.00 in it. My
credit card has a $5000 dollar limit so in that case I appreciate the
bank's assistance if anything goes wrong.
> Furthremore, you're protected by federal law from credit card fraud, so
> all these banks blathering about how they provide fraud protection - it's
> nothing new. They've always had it.
OK for my credit card, don't care about my debit card.
> Always carefully review your credit card statements each month. If you're
> worried about things like skimming/cloning, there are some credit services
> that can monitor your accounts for "unusual" behavior. Sometimes the bank
> will do this for you, but don't always count on it.
Of course I review my credit card statements, you patronising moron - as
I said, I have a $5000 limit on the credit card. It takes me about 5
seconds to check my debit card statement - it just covers my few net
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