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Re: PEG access to get the axe?

Posted by Rick Merrill on 05/21/07 11:41

nobody special wrote:
> This must not stand! I don't follow Houston politics, but a first
> guess is, they have political scandals and skeletons and don't want
> their meetings covered by the unblinking, all-remembering eye of
> public access.
> When a cable franchise gets a huge territory, they are being handed a
> monopoly and a license to print money, and it is NOT some kind of
> punishment to make the cable vendor provide access channels and
> facilities, rather it is the right of the people to have that channel,
> and the responsibility of a steward of public bandwidth to provide it.

In the past $ for PEG came from cable tv subscribers and was designated
SOLELY for PEG (public access) TV. With the advent of a state-wide
franchise this money is g o n e. So it's tax money, merge, or history!



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