Posted by Derek Janssen on 05/24/07 17:10
elrous0@pop.uky.edu wrote:
> On May 23, 9:18 pm, The Great Attractor
>> Maybe it's because they know that you are a top posting Usenet twit.
>> Couldn't resist, but you deserve it. Top posting, especially while
>>also quoting the whole message below it (TOFU) like some lame email
>>response is one of the most retarded practices in Usenet, you lazy,
>>stupid, non-conformal fucktard!
> You know, I have been on Usenet since 1994 and this "top posting"
> criticism, and the insane level of vitriol attached to it, still
> puzzles me. Am I missing something?
Yes, you're trying to ascribe meaning to it--
Whereas NTP, spelling errors, or grammatical correction is already
well-known as the "default" response for trolls to keep thread going
without content.
Look around, you'll see a No-top-posting-obsessed trademark troll on
every group, if they think they've been around long enough.
Theirs is a "publish or perish" world, where the idea is to keep a
thread stretched on life-support--And it's considered a change from
constantly having to make up potty-mouthed "Yo momma so fat" one-up
insults in lieu of actual content either.
IOW, he's desperate and wants to think he's the group "pet".
If he didn't use the NTP, and out himself as a career-troll on the
skids, we'd think he was a real poster.
> I do remember, back in the days when even ASCII bandwidth was
> precious, people objected to posters quoting the WHOLE previous post.
> But this isn't much of an issue anymore. And if you ARE going to quote
> the whole previous post, then top-posting would seem logical (since no
> one using an older newsreader that doesn't automatically recognize
> quoted text would want to have to scroll all the way to the bottom of
> a long post just to read your response).
That's a good illustration of the point:
Top-posting WAS a concern of Usenet in the 90's. So was
career-trolling. Both aren't what they used to be today, twelve years
....Which's why you generally only see the sentimental old geezer
trolls--who want to hang on to the act they had back in 1998, without
the bother of thinking up a new one--that you still see doing the old
vaudeville act when they have to go into that last tap dance.
Derek Janssen (aww, take it easy on old grandpa, he's been doing this
too long!)
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