Posted by Derek Janssen on 05/28/07 04:06
Stan Brown wrote:
> Sun, 27 May 2007 22:26:24 -0400 from Derek Janssen
> <ejanss@nospam.comcast.net>:
>>(Um, we know the "Nitpick red-herring" defense is the standard
>>troll-dodge arsenal, but on the larger strategy, does it really HELP the
>>image to look like sarcasm and irony zoom miles over your head?:
> What I don't get is why you and other people keep responding to the
> troll. Since a troll thrives on *all* attention, positive and
> negative, surely the only effective way to deal with a troll is to
> ignore it.
Well, that's just it--
YOU'RE not responding, and, except for the odd drive-through, I'M not
The problem is, we're still at an undeveloped stage, and (aside from the
imported flame-group party-boys, who also seem to have gotten bored by
now) we've got people who respond to *ask* why Prong's posts all sound
We figure, it's like any other disease: The best prevention is Public
Education. That, and getting the vaccinations out to the inoculated,
improving health, topic and living conditions for inexperienced posters,
getting them to recognize the warning signs and the symptoms, and who
knows in how short a time we can contain the spread.
Derek Janssen (it's a forum for public service)
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