Posted by JackShephard on 06/04/07 04:26
On Sun, 03 Jun 2007 15:05:10 -0700, Brandon D Cartwright
<user@example.net> wrote:
>No Prongboi has "introduced" himself in alt.gambling.lottery and
>become the topic de jour.
Never been there, you retarded motherfucker. That would be you or
whoever the fucking forgeTard CloneTard de jour happens to be at the
You idiots really need to get a life.
>I have added the group as a courtesy to his many new fans there
>who are curious as to his normal group wrecking stomping grounds
You have added the group because that's what you retarded AUKTard
dumbfuck kooks do.
Again... get a life, ya puke.
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