Posted by littlejoeflub on 06/18/07 16:25
On May 20, 12:15 pm, "RobF" <r_fox24@co_x.net> wrote:
> Thanks, LittleJoe, yes I D/L'ed two copies, same day. File props appeared
> same, neither worked; company says it is in process of refunding my cost.
> Would the two software apps you mentioned work with WMP also or only with
> their respective apps; another dumb question: Will the codec stuff in those
> apps goose my old copy of Cyberlink DVD into action?
> --
> RobF
> Address anti-spammed
> <littlejoef...@yahoo.com> wrote in message
> news:1179627777.587752.56030@w5g2000hsg.googlegroups.com...
> > On May 16, 11:37 am, "RobF" <r_fox24@co_x.net> wrote:
> >> The .exe file paid for and downloaded from a firm calling itself Element
> >> 5,
> >> (file created by Cyberlink), installs to about 92% completion, then
> >> announces Catastrophic Failure, memory could not be read. Cyberlink
> >> unable
> >> to find a workable method. Same kind of non-ability as previously with
> >> their
> >> v.4 software Power DVD. Many suggestions, no remedy. Implied, I guess, is
> >> the advice Buy New Program for More Money.
> >> Any ideas gratefully received.
> >> --
> >> RobF
> >> Address anti-spammed
> > Did you try and get another copy of the program downloaded? It's
> > possible the installation file is corrupted. If you want a good FREE
> > dvd player you can use VLC media player or Media Player Classic.
VLC is a stand-alone media player like WMP and will play all it can
and more. Media Player Classic is also a stand-alone player but is
more of a front-end replacement for any players and codecs you have
installed. Neither programs install their own codecs. What I like
about Media Player Classic is let's say you have the latest quicktime
(not pro) software installed. Media Player Classic can then play
quicktime and MP4 video files and give you features like fullscreen
not offered in non-pro version of quicktime.
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