Posted by Stan Brown on 06/29/07 01:16
Thu, 28 Jun 2007 16:42:56 GMT from nick <nick@NOSPAM.ORG>:
> I'd love to replace our aging VCRs with something a
> little better. Looking around, it's hard to tell
> who's offering what.
> I think I'd prefer to record off the air to a hard drive,
> then burn what I want to a DVD. But I'd like to do this
> not at the PC, but rather at the TV site itself.
> What should I be looking for??
A DVD recorder with a hard drive, a HDD DVR. Have a look in
avsforum.com for some recommendations.
Many of us like the Pioneer 640, if you can find one.
> http://www.avsforum.com/avs-vb/showthread.php?t=683581
Stan Brown, Oak Road Systems, Tompkins County, New York, USA
DVD FAQ: http://dvddemystified.com/dvdfaq.html
other FAQs: http://oakroadsystems.com/genl/faqget.htm
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