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Re: Bubbles

Posted by GT on 07/04/07 10:44

"webpa" <> wrote in message
> On Jun 30, 11:22 am, Harry <> wrote:
>> Hello,
>> I have a Tyco, digital, Video Recorder being used for cams.
>> Right now it is hooked up to tv, and the night pictures are
>> full of "bubbles" (large, small and medium size spheres),
>> which obliterate the pictures. How can i get rid of the
>> "bubbles"? Also i see an awful lot of bugs flying around.
>> Truly
> 1. If English is your native language, please learn how to write it
> using correct, non-irritating syntax and punctuation.
> 2. What are "cams"? Exactly?
> 3. Before it was "...hooked up to tv...", what was it hooked up to?
> Someone famous? How about now?
> 4. Can you explain "bubbles" and "bugs" in terms more common in video
> technology syntax?

A very helpful response, I'm sure the OP is grateful for your time and

As you have provided a very sarcastic and useless reply, I feel the need to
pounce and make fun of you...

Can you explain to the group how exactly you would hook up a video recorder
to someone famous?

Your first point asks the OP to speak clear English, but you don't
understand what a bubble or bug is? Perhaps the OP doesn't know the video
technology *terminology* (not syntax!!) for these anomalies. Perhaps he
simply tried to describe a problem he is seeing in his video and provided us
with a helpful explanation of what might be causing the problem.



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