Posted by Richard Crowley on 07/10/07 15:11
"ushere" wrote...
>i have to say, following this thread, that peoples expectation of a $5k
>camera is almost farcical in it's hysteric's....
Can't tell whether you are trolling us or whether you really don't
comprehend the issue here? Do you really understand nothing
about modern circuit design and/or digital audio processing with
modern chips?
Mark's expectations are completely within reason of any sane
camcorder buyer. Sony appears to have a major debacle on their
hands and so far, they appear to be stonewalling it. If you have
been following the game, this is not the first time they have pulled
such a stunt.
If you are willing to put up with deliberately crippled equipment
for which you paid thousands of $$$ (whether US or AU), then
you are part of the problem.
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