Posted by Mark Jones on 07/17/07 03:32
Mark W wrote:
> "Mark Jones" <noemail@mindspring.com> wrote in message
> news:Z1Bmi.8695$zA4.3608@newsread3.news.pas.earthlink.net...
>> Ablang wrote:
>>> In these Wild West days of high-def playback, firmware updates seem
>>> to be a critical part of the consumer experience.
>> Sounds like another good reason to avoid these for quite awhile.
> ...unless you're the sort of buyer who likes to look at demos a lot,
> rather than movies and stuff.
> Perhaps the sort of buyer who asks if they can have the in-store HD
> demo disc when they buy the player.
I have upwards of 300 DVDs and a 65 inch rear projection
HDTV and a 32 in LCD HDTV. When I want to watch a movie,
I don't want to have to screw around with a firmware update
that may not even be ready at the time the movie hits the
store shelves.
What it tells me is that they are not fully implementing the
interactive features that each specification calls for because
they don't fully understand how to do it.
I have several programming languages on my computer and
they are designed to accept the code that I throw at them as
long as the programming doesn't contain errors or invalid
I have Sun Microsystems Java loaded on here and it doesn't
have problems running properly coded Java, so why can't
BD-J handle a valid program without having to be constantly
updated. If they are having so much trouble figuring our
how to make their implemation of Java work, why didn't they
just license Java from Sun?
Most consumers are not going to want to have to deal with
frequent firmware updates just so they can watch a movie
and enjoy the interactive features.
In case you think that I don't understand how to do firmware
updates, guess again. I do this all the time for the equipment
that I work on. It would be a pain in the ass to need to do this
frequently when what I want to do is just sit down and enjoy
a movie.
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