Posted by Mark & Mary Ann Weiss on 07/18/07 04:51
> > Needless to say, I think Sony has a major issue to
> > correct with these cameras. It's worse than the PD150
> > hiss problem. In all other respects, the V1U audio is
> > acceptable. s/n is pretty good for a camera, but there's
> > no excuse to roll off the low end at 1222Hz. Look at
> > these results, carefully measured under laboratory
> > conditions:
> >
> > http://www.basspig.com/HVR-V1U_PCM_Audio(DV).htm
> You have been mislead by a vastly expanded vertical dB scale.
In general, I have had a high degree of respect for you, based on your
demonstration of audio knowledge on USEnet, however, in this case, I think
you're being too forgiving of this horrible digital recording system.
> The actual -3 dB point is about 130 Hz. The rolloff is hard to judge
> of the expanded scale, but does not seem to be overly rapid. Not all that
> great, but about an order of magnitude better than you have been mislead
> believe.
RightMark is intended to measure digital audio systems, hence, anything more
than +/-0.1dB is objectionable deviation across the 20-20kc bandpass. It's
scale is generous to even encompass 3dB of deviation. But the realworld fact
is that the audio system on the V1U is down more than 30dB at 20cps. Not
acceptable for a digital--any digital recording system.
> This camera won't be all that bad for voice and most music. It is not the
> tool of choice for recording big pipe organs, bass guitars or other
> instruments with deeper significant bass fundamentals. However, an octave
> two of additional bass could be restored with some well-thought out
> equalization.
It's not even good for voice, because it's not even flat over the speech
range. Hear examples:
> Just about any vocal mic that is attached to it will have a comparable or
> worse bass rolloff.
This would be a good argument for having a camera audio system that has bass
BOOST, not bass cutoff. If your mic is rolling off, that's all the more
reason you'd want a recording system that doesn't exacerbate the problem.
Best Regards,
Mark A. Weiss, P.E.
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