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Re: Another nail in the coffin to HDV

Posted by Martin Heffels on 07/18/07 06:49

On Wed, 18 Jul 2007 04:41:58 GMT, "Mark & Mary Ann Weiss"
<> wrote:

>HD content to the home is not what I call HD. It is garbage. Every time I see
>so-called "HD content" in the big box stores on plasma and LCD displays, all
>I see is macroblocks--invariably, the fools who program these channels in
>the stores always seem to have high-action footage running, which
>exacerbates the problem. Seeing such video, if I did not know better, I
>would never have bought an HDTV.

Don't blame the ones who shot it, as they will make it look good, but
give dirty looks to the channels who show such content, who keep
squeezing up the compression to save money.

>Yes, but isn't HDV supposed to be on the same playing field as DV? DV had
>far fewer artifacts, yet it was a consumer format. HDV is loaded with
>artifacts, and is also a consumer format, but being used in some pro

Damned the producers!

>That they do. But at what point does one draw the line between consumer and
>pro? At $103,000 for an HDW-F900? It seems most of what Sony offers below
>that is consumer quality.

I believe you overlooked XDCAM-HD :-)




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