Posted by Phisherman on 07/20/07 10:33
On Thu, 19 Jul 2007 06:48:20 -0500, "def456" <def456@none.none> wrote:
>Formerly the email option appeared after asking a question in the Help
>section. Now that doesn't appear anymore, only an 1-877- telephone number
>appears. Calling that number resulted in a 12 minute wait, and I didn't
>wait. Have I been blacklisted for sending too many email questions? Can you
>still get the email option to appear for contacting customer service? (I
>can't, apparently)
They must be behind. I emailed them 5 days ago--no response yet. Not
sure if I'm blacklisted though, I'm a former Nelflix customer. They
don't seem too eager to get me back.
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