Posted by Spurious Response on 07/24/07 04:11
On Mon, 23 Jul 2007 20:00:07 -0500, Lloyd Parsons <lloydparsons@mac.com>
>In article <a1eaa39t6dndohmkc77v4os301eccqfd4k@4ax.com>,
> Spurious Response <SpuriousResponse@cleansignal.org> wrote:
>> On Mon, 23 Jul 2007 21:28:10 -0000, Doug Jacobs <djacobs@shell.rawbw.com>
>> wrote:
>> >At least they can be updated, but come on now...consumer electronics are
>> >supposed to be appliances - not just another PC. You don't hear about
>> >folks having to flash their oven's firmware so that it can cook the latest
>> >pot-roast recipes, do you?
>> A LOT of modern devices get upgraded firmware.
>> Cell Phones (user unaware even)
>> My router/switch.
>> My telescope.
>> PSP (NOT a computer)
>> iPOD (NOT a computer)
>> My MP3, FLAC, OGG player.
>> And yes, I could see where a MP controlled microwave could benefit from
>> an upgrade to its stored duty cycle settings for certain dishes.
>> I could see an LCD TV or other display device getting one. I could see
>> many modern consumer products getting one.
>> Hell, even PC drive bay style (5.25" half height form factor) CD wand
>> DVD drives get them.
>> Where have you been, boy? Sleeping in a cave? Head in the sand?
>> Holier than thou?
>> For a moment there in the last few years, I almost considered you
>> technically inclined.
>> Got forward vision? Methinks not.
>And just like other computers, upgrades are needed, as you noted.
>All the Blu Ray and HDDVD players are computers, special purpose, but
>still computers. Hell, most of the newer Audio/Video Receivers are
>computers too.
No. They are micro-processor controlled appliances. Of which many
already exist. Even though the PS3 IS a computer as it is a gaming
platform and can actually run Linux, etc. The Toshiba HD DVD machines
are not however, as their function is dedicated to that task, and oh
yeah... why haven't we seen hacked units being used as computers yet in
the Linux/PC tinker realm popping up?
There is a difference between calling a device that HUMANS USE AS
COMPUTERS a computer, and calling anything that has a freaking processor
in it a computer.
The second example is a fallacy. One should learn the difference, and
no, the wiki definition and dictionary definitions do NOT negate the fact
that "computer" really refers to a multi task capable tool that WE use to
perform ordered tasks that we design and introduce into it, whereas an
MPU equipped device is a tool that we use for a specific purpose that has
a single task set hard wired into it.
In other words, you PC IS a computer, but your "computer" controlled
refrigerator is not.
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