Posted by Frank on 07/26/07 06:34
On Wed, 25 Jul 2007 21:07:25 -0700, in 'rec.video.production',
in article <Re: Optical disk with 1 Terabyte storage>,
"Somebody" <nospam@nospam.com> wrote:
>"Smarty" <nobody@nobody.com> wrote in message
>> http://www.call-recall.com/news.html#anchor7
>Yes, we can't even get consumer burnable CDs and DVDs that are reliable
>storage for more than a few years, so yes we need to cram more on the same
>size area because that is going to make things better. I don't think so. We
>need crystal storage or Isolinear holographic storage. Screw CD, DVD and all
>of their lame ass brothers and inbreed sisters.
I solved the storage problem years ago. I just memorize everything!
Frank, Independent Consultant, New York, NY
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Read Frank's thoughts on HDV at http://www.humanvalues.net/hdv/
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