Posted by Spurious Response on 07/26/07 05:56
On 26 Jul 2007 03:22:02 GMT, 6forPizza <6forPizza@hotmail.com> wrote:
>In <pvsfa3dkikcphn5calbdvfsqn7q7qo3pnj@4ax.com> Spurious Response <SpuriousResponse@cleansignal.org> writes:
>>On Wed, 25 Jul 2007 11:36:24 -0500, Lloyd Parsons <lloydparsons@mac.com>
>>>> Golf is a fucking joke. Take ANY one shot, do it 100 times, and see
>>>> how bad your stats really are.
>>>Take your fat ass out to the course sometime. I'll add golf to the list
>>>of things you know little about but are willing to try to impart wisdom
>> I wasn't talking about put shots, dumbfuck. Any idiot can tap a ball
>>with a putter fairly consistently.
>> You couldn't take 100 tee shots and get consistent results very easily
>>(even Tiger cannot). The game has little skill, and lots of chaos and
>>dumb luck involved.
>> Billiards, however, is a precision game. I can perform three rail banks
>>to the side pocket quite consistently, and banking from an end rail to
>>the side pocket is NOT an easy shot. It is one of the hardest in the
>Billiards is for beer swilling rednecks.
Billiards is a game of kings, you fucking retard.
A bar table is not even a fucking regulation pool table and barely
qualifies to be called "playing pool", much less playing it properly.
> Anyone can look good on a 5ft
There are no 5 foot tables, you fucking retard (table length is the
proper way to describe a table with only one measure given).
3 x 6, yes. A six foot table
3 1/2 x 7, yes. A seven foot table.
4 x 8, yes. An eight foot table.
4 1/2 x 9, yes. A nine foot table.
5 x 10, yes. A ten foot table.
6 x 12, yes. A twelve foot table.
Where is the five foot table, dipshit? If you are so stupid that you
cannot even refer to the equipment using the proper term, and you include
insults with your petty crap to start with, you certainly cannot expound
on what you think you know about the game.
> Try playing on a snooker table.
Try playing on a snooker table with 2 1/4 inch balls. THAT takes extreme
skill. A 2" snooker ball is easy to pocket on a snooker table. Try
hitting those same, narrower than regulation pocket openings with regular
billiard balls.
> That takes real skill.
Snooker is easy. It is what I practice on, as it makes shooting on a
smaller regulation table a cakewalk for someone at my level.
So, it is your post that is swill, fucktard.
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