Posted by <normanstrong on 07/28/07 22:46
"Thomas G. Marshall" <tgm2tothe10thpower@replacetextwithnumber.hotmail.com>
wrote in message news:oHQpi.4706$Gs4.1905@trndny05...
> I need an inexpensive dvd player.
> But I'm also sick to death of dvd players telling me that I cannot go to
> the main menu whenever I want.
> *Are there any dvd players which have this capability* ?
A couple of days ago, my wife and I sat down to watch a Netflix DVD. We
were using a $40 Toshiba DVD player I'd never used before with a commercial
DVD. As the disc began it showed an FBI warning followed by "This preview
has been rated PG" (or words to that effect. I said to my wife,
"Move through this stuff. Let's get on with the movie"
"I can't, she replied. You have to watch it because none of the remote
buttons work."
And indeed, when I tried the remote I couldn't get it to even STOP!! The
player told me "Not allowed at this time." This was crazy. Surely you can
stop the movie if you so desire?!?
So I asked myself how on earth one could resume playing the movie if it was
temporarily swapped with another one. Finally, I started experimenting. lt
seemed that there was a button marked SEARCH. If I pushed this button, I
could then push the number 1, and the player would go to the beginning of
Title 1--the movie--immediately. It seems that my wife has been
unwillingly watching previews ever since I bought this player, without once
mentioning to me. She assumed that the previews were the price one had to
pay to watch the movie, just like in the multiplex.
If any of you have the same problem, you can solve it by using the search
function and going straight to Title 1.
I intend to examine the situation more closely, to see if I can come up with
something even better. If I find something, I'll let you all know.
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