Posted by Derek Janssen on 08/01/07 21:00
Richard C. wrote:
>>>> Further, what are you referring to
>>>> when you say that I accused you of something?
>>> Do I really have to dig the shit up?
>> Yes, I don't readily recognize either moniker you're using. While
>> you're at it, why are you at odds with others here, and why are
>> behaving like a child?
He is both Usenet geek and tech geek:
"Usenet" in that he's ancient enough to miss the old birth-of-Usenet
90's adrenaline-rush days of group regulars tossing the "roast"
flame-quips around (ooh, look, he'll compare me to Norm Wilner, again,
who hasn't posted here since the last millenium)--
And "tech geek" in the AV Club sense, in that he waits for you to
recommend any current technology so he can say no way, dude!--The
obsolete niche classic he still own from fifteen years ago was WAY better!
....Two classic niche-group geek-relics, all rolled up in one.
> He is a long time a-hole who keeps coming here under different names.
> JoeBlo, DarkMatter, etc.
> He is the most fowl-mouthed child to ever come here.
> He spews -tard this and -tard that (like a 12 year old boy)
And that's if he likes you.
(No, really. We mean that. Any posts he *doesn't* like are by "idiots".)
Derek Janssen
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