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Re: How can you go from VHS >computer > DVD

Posted by RC_Moonpie on 08/06/07 19:07

On Sun, 5 Aug 2007 12:57:41 -0500, "John Hanley"
<> wrote:

>Good and detailed advice can be had at:
>In my particular case, I bought a VCR-DVD recorder combo set at Wal-Mart:
>MAGNAVOX MWR20V6; this was partly because I do not have a VCR (my tapes all
>date back from 10 years ago). I dub a VHS tape (or segment therof) to a
>blank DVD; then I copy the DVD contents to my computer hard drive.

this worked great for me too. I tried the other way, capture card into
computer, but was very time consuming, LOTS of audio-out-of-sync
problems etc, bugs, errors, crashes, etc

was just easier to buy a DVD-VHS recorder with one-touch dub control.
Record the VHS program onto DVD, then pop the DVD into the computer
and use Roxio or Pinnacle to get the movie off the DVD and make them
big hi rez MPG files where i could edit them with video editing
software, VideoReDo is an excellent low cost one.

that might sound complicated but it was a LOT easier than trying to
capture the VHS movies thru a capture card and all that stuff. Got
great quality as well, depending upon age of original VHS



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