Posted by GMAN on 08/07/07 18:16
In article <s89gb3pneo0e5qcdvuph42hd7sh5q4grca@4ax.com>, My Assistant: Zhang Heng wrote:
>On Mon, 06 Aug 2007 01:56:32 GMT, glenzabr@xmission.nospam.com (GMAN)
>>In article <13b4j71r6kpt13e@corp.supernews.com>, Doug Jacobs
> <djacobs@shell.rawbw.com> wrote:
>>>Archimedes' Lever <OneBigLever@infiniteseries.org> wrote:
>>>> Wrong. Both formats will be around for a long time. It will be NOTHING
>>>> like the beta VHS war. They were recordable formats, and there were MANY
>>>> more factors involved. The proof is how the "better" format actually
>>>> lost.
>>>While Beta did hang around for a while after VHS won the battle, it was
>>>virtually ignored by both consumers and retailers alike. After all, why
>>>would people make a product (movies on Beta) if there wasn't the market?
>>>Yes, I *KNOW* you could buy blank Beta tapes for years afterwards, but you
>>>certainly weren't able to rent movies from Blockbuster on Beta once that
>>>war was decided, were you? And most stores didn't bother carrying Beta
>>>decks after that either, right?
>>But beta was NOT ignored by the pro market. It was used and still is for the
>>last few decades by TV stations and pro videographers up until the digital
>>formats started to roll around.
>>>Why do you think it'll be any different in HD-DVD v. Blu-Ray, if indeed,
>>>we end up with just one dominant format? If one format loses, we'll see
>>>firesales on existing stock, and that'll be the end of it for the most
>>>part. I'm sure that some specialty stores might continue stocking the
>>>other format, but the mass market (which isn't even ready for HD-anything
>>>right now) will simply adopt the winner, never knowing or caring that
>>>there was once a choice.
>>>The only way that a single-format outcome could be avoided would be if
>>>someone produces an affordable multi-format player capable of playing
>>>everything. At that point, people will just buy that and then it won't
>>>matter if the movie is HD-DVD or Blu-Ray. The HD video market will become
>>>just like the burnable DVD market, where 2 different, but equal, formats
>>>reign in an uneasy mishmash of quasi-compatibility.
>>The retailers are staring to decide the outcome with their shelf space . Many
>>will not continue to stock 3 differing formats in their stores and the least
>>profitable and least supported format will die (HD-DVD).
> Wrong. Want proof? The Standard DVD FOOLscreen formats where
>businesses like Costco, and even many dept store chains bought shitloads
>of them ,and they had many many boxes left over unsold.
>Those of us that buy WS films PAID for those losses.
> Both HD DVD and BluTurd will survive, and if a store wants to sell
>certain in demand titles, they pony up to the bar.
> It's like busses. You run the route, even if the bus remains empty
>through the whole route. It is during those times when the bus IS needed
>by someone on a route that it matters.
>Both formats, being split among studios, will likely survive.
The only major studio that gives a shit whether HD-DVD dies is Universal. the
ones that release both formats can easily and quite happily shift to blu ray
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