Posted by (PeteCresswell) on 08/12/07 23:28
Per Jerry:
>I don't think anyone has successfully done that. The internal software will
>limit the drive size to what came with the unit. Like Stan said you can
>read all about it on the avs forum. While my Panasonic E85 was a great idea
>at the time and I still use it, my new hddvr from my cable company records
>in hd and has a firewire port that I've attached a 500gb external drive to,
>works great.
FWIW, I took Stan's advice and read a few threads on
avsforum.com. Net result is that it looks to me like if your
E85's drive goes south, you can easily replace it with another
one - with the caveat that if the other one has more capacity,
you won't see the additional capacity.
I ran out to Best Buy, thinking I'd just grab a Panasonic E85 or
E95 off the shelf and be done with it. Oops!... nothing on the
shelves at all that records to a hard drive.
Stopped in Circuit City on the way home... same thing.
I've got to wonder if TVIO is making that niche so small that
it's not worth catering to.
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