Posted by Telstar on 08/21/07 23:15
"ChairmanOfTheBored" <RUBored@crackasmile.org> wrote in message
> On Mon, 20 Aug 2007 18:10:09 -0700, "Telstar" <none@none.net> wrote:
>>"Telstar" <none@none.net> wrote in message
>>> "Derek Janssen" <ejanss@nospam.comcast.net> wrote in message
>>> news:BP6dnYTvIseipFfbnZ2dnUVZ_o3inZ2d@comcast.com...
>>>> Telstar wrote:
>>>>>>>All it would take to kill off HD-DVD is for Disney to release their
>>>>>>>back catalog of Classic Animated movies and that would be all she
>>>>>>>for HD-DVD.
>>>>>>Done, and...essentially done, in spirit:
>>>>>>(They had to rush "Sleeping Beauty" ahead of the IMAX reissues, partly
>>>>>>for the Platinum cycle, and partly because of all those darn ads...)
>>>>> These arguements are way, way too simplistic. What child cares about
>>>>> Disney animations release in high def?
>>>> The child with the parent who wants to buy them?
>>>> Derek Janssen (and if you're the offspring of a home-theater nut, you
>>>> have no CONCEPT of how much you luck out)
>>>> ejanss@comcast.net
>>> This idea will not keep any HD format alive...you must realize that or
>>> you
>>> are brain dead.
>>I fear very few understand that very, very many movies are being converted
>>to low res. silicon-based media players by various means. Portablility
>>cost greatly exceeds general consumer interest in quality.
> Only for total retards.
They have lots more money than you do. Get used to be taken over by them.
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