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Re: can I rip a CD as if it's one track using EAC?

Posted by d'Wooluf on 09/17/07 09:59

According to (and I quote):

>I've been ripping some classical CDs using Exact Audio Copy (I'm a
>beginner and most of its features are a mystery to me), and LAME.
>One problem is that some of these CDs have 'tracks' that aren't really
>separate tracks - the music is continuous, and the track number is
>really just a way of letting you get to that part of the symphony or
>EAC treats these as separate tracks, however, and the result is that a
>fraction of a second of the music is missing at the beginning of each
>track. It even sometimes misses a bit off the beginning of a track
>that really *is* a separate track.
>One solution would be to have it rip the whole CD as if it were one
>big track, but I can't see how to do this.
>Is there a way?

Action -> Copy Image and Create Cue Sheet. Leaves you with one big WAV or
MP3 file (and a cuesheet).

The gaps are nothing to do with EAC but are a 'feature' of mp3 encoding. As
someone else pointed out, if you encode in LAME, there is metadata in each
mp3 file that can be used to enable gapless playback if your music playing
software or device supports it. Foobar2000 definitely does. I *think* you
need a plugin for Winamp.

An alternative if you player supports it is to encode in OGG which is
natively gapless.



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