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Coverting Real Player format to MP3

Posted by on 10/04/07 20:07

My wife recently won an ipod in a raffle and so I've joined the ranks
of those downloading, burning, and syncing. In my journey so far, I've
taken an old audio CD, transferred the tracks thru Media Player to my
hard drive, converted them to mp3, pulled them into iTunes and synced
them to the ipod; no problems, works great. But now, downloading songs
from Real Player (in .rax protected format), I can't covert them (I've
tried several conversion programs) and get them onto the ipod. I
called RP tech support and they said to first burn them to a CD (done)
and then RIP them. I use B's Recorder Gold5 for my CD burning and
there's an option to RIP so I choose that. Before I start the RIP
process, I check the content of the CD-RW and it shows the 6 tracks of
music in Real Player format. However, when I start the RIP process,
the CD content shows as a single track image file and this image file
is what's "ripped" to my hard drive. What am I doing wrong?



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