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Re: The RIAA has moved one step closer to full-scale rebellion

Posted by ~misfit~ on 10/10/07 00:50

Somewhere on the interweb "Don Del Grande" typed:
> Tell me, what's your opinion of the following theory of legalizing
> decrypting video discs:
> 1. I have the right to watch the movie on the (choose one: Blu-Ray,
> HD-DVD) disc I bought on whatever device I want;
> 2. I choose to watch it on my computer running Linux;
> 3. Linux is required to be open source - therefore, the decoding
> software must be open source, and therefore public information;
> 4. Therefore, we have every right to publish the method for
> decrypting the discs, and if it results in the ability to upload the
> contents of the discs for free downloading by whoever wants them, then
> that's not our problem - it's like when you drive 80 in a 65 zone; if
> the police catch you, then you're guilty, but you don't pass some law
> making it illegal to have a car that can't go faster than 15 (because
> that's the speed limit near railroad tracks).

Sounds perfectly reasonable to me. Unless there are T&C's involved that you
have to agree to when buying the disc that state otherwise.




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