Posted by Covenant on 11/03/07 18:23
"Ray Shafranski" <me@privacy.net> wrote in message
> "dustie" <xxdjdustxx@ntlworld.com> wrote in message
> news:sunWi.5930$7k5.5657@newsfe1-gui.ntli.net...
>> http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&rd=1&item=250182368415
> Pity he's in jail on child porn charges.
It *is* isn't it.
Not looking to open the proverbial wormtin, but I get the feeling with him
that he really *was* doing what he said. I just don't look at him and
think, "Kiddy Fiddler Ar****le".
(Not the most scientific approcah ever, but usually there's a *look* about
those people.... Just don't think he has it.)
And he's not been soulless and *So...WTF!?* about it, like the people who
SHOULD be hunted down and castrated by the victim's relatives' teeth usually
Basically, I think this was a difficult case, handled by the judge as best
as he could. IE, you had the stuff, no denying it, you didn't deny it, We
cant let you OFF with it, so we're being lenient.
Thats my tuppence worth.... (And about what it worth too! ;' ) )
A Man With Far Too Much Time On His Hands
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