Posted by David McCall on 11/05/07 15:13
"My Name Is Nobody" <nobody@msn.com> wrote in message
> "David McCall" <mccallmail@verizon.net> wrote in message
> news:d3wXi.5899$kH.237@trndny04...
>> "nappy" <n@n.n> wrote in message
>> news:GLvXi.802$0Q5.387@nlpi070.nbdc.sbc.com...
>>> "PTravel" <ptravel@travelersvideo.com> wrote in message
>>> news:5p7e77FornlbU1@mid.individual.net...
>>>> "My Name Is Nobody" <nobody@msn.com> wrote in message
>>>> news:bsuXi.4587$Zz.1303@trnddc07...
>>>>> "Smarty" <nobody@nobody.com> wrote in message
>>>>> news:fT%Vi.8449$8R1.7716@trndny02...
>>>>>> Announced yesterday:
>>>>>> http://www.camcorderinfo.com/content/CamInfo-Selects-2007-33545.htm#HDV
>>>>>> "Best High Definition" - All Media and the review states:
>>>>>> "The HV20 has the best looking picture we've seen all year, and
>>>>>> serves the
>>>>>> needs of almost any type of shooting a consumer is likely to come
>>>>>> across.
>>>>>> The fact that it can be purchased for less than $1,000 is remarkable,
>>>>>> and
>>>>>> only one of its many compelling features."
>>>>> Now if Canon or anyone else could supply a software to edit the HV20's
>>>>> true 1080i 1920x1080 movies...
>>>> The HDV standard for 1080i is 1440 x 1080. You can, however, get 1920
>>>> x 1080 out of the Canon's HDMI port.
>>> Which means that with an BlackMagic Intensity card for $249 and a decent
>>> drive array you ought to be able to capture and cut 1920.
>> Sure, no problem
>> Paul is going to carry a desktop computer and a drive array along
>> on his vacation and be limited bt the length of the HDMI cable and
>> the nearest power outlet :-) Just kidding
>> AFAIK you only get 1920 direct from the camera "live".
>> Once it goes to tape it's 1440.
> Please, can you provide some links to any place where this is actually
> disclosed or discussed in detail?
I'm a bit busy today, so I'm going to leave it up to you to go to google
and find your own answers.
If you find somewhere that says that the HDV spec calls for 1920 please
let us all know where. As far as any of us know, 1440 is the width of 1080
when it is recorded to HDV. You'll notive that 1440x1080=4x3 they use
an anamorphic squeeze to fit the 16x9 format into 4x3.
You may also notice that Canon is careful to tell you that the "sensor" is
1920x1080 and that it can be deliveredf at full definition through the HDMI.
> Also WTF kind of nonsense is going on with Canon labeling and touting
> 1920x1080 resolution, if indeed the camera is incapable of filming/storing
> it at 1920x1080???
Actually they can record to 1920 to the memory card, but I don't know
if it can record video to the memory card.
> Also how does a BlackMagic Intensity card and a decent drive array
> change/allow the camera which is (evidently, but I would still like to see
> that documented by Canon) only writing to the tape at 1440 x 1080 and the
> software's limitations of only editing at 1440 x 1080?
They are recording the 1920 from the HDMI port. Not the 1394 port (HDV).
I don't know if the signal in the HDMI interface comes out looking like it
1920 wide when sourcing from tape instead of the sensor, but they clearly
say that they record in HDV so there are only 1440 actual pixels available.
Sorry about the bad news.
> Thanks
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