Posted by PTravel on 11/06/07 01:05
"My Name Is Nobody" <nobody@msn.com> wrote in message
> "Spex" <No.spam@ta.com> wrote in message
> news:13itr7vk7v0tj17@corp.supernews.com...
>> My Name Is Nobody wrote:
>>> "nappy" <n@n.n> wrote in message
>> Looks to me like you are an extremely naive person who believes or is
>> easily misled by the marketing BS that companies spew out. Canon hasn't
>> lied in what it has said it has just made it easy (for the ignorant
>> consumer who purchases equipment based on printed specs) to misinterpret
>> the information. As all good marketing depts do.
> Yeah that's right, we weren't all as blessed as you apparently believe you
> were, by being born KNOWING IT ALL, (Don't you wish).
Two points, please:
1. Your post is cross-posted to, among others, the rec.video.production ng
(I know, you didn't start the thread or the cross-posting, but it is
cross-posted nonetheless). Virtually everyone posting here is a video
production professional (I'm not, but my presence is graciously tolerated
those who are). The assumption in this newsgroup is that people actually do
know what they are talking about.
2. Though, occassionally, people do get into it on rec.video.production,
for the most part it is a civil, and therefore quite productive and useful,
news group. Rather than get into the usual Usnet pissing match, it might be
a good idea either to trim your crossposts and leave rvp out of it, or else
try to stick to the high road. I'd also point out that your questions have
been answered, exclusively, by the folks in rvp, i.e. if you want accurate
information, you'll do better by playing nice in rvp than in the other
rec.video ngs.
Just a suggestion.
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