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Re: Canon HV-20 wins 2007 award as "Best HDV Camcorder"

Posted by Dave Martindale on 11/07/07 23:19

"Joe" <> writes:
>So, back to my original question- was Spex right when he replied to someone,
>"What are you so hung up about capturing at 1920x1080 when the actual
>resolution of the camera is way less than that at 800+ tvl?"

Assuming that "800 tvl" means 800 TV lines per picture height, as it
usually does, and that this was measured in a 16:9 image (which is what
I'd expect for any 1080-line image), then the horizontal resolution is
about 1420 lines per picture width. This is pretty much the maximum
resolution possible at 1440 pixels horizontal.

Now, if the 800 TVL resolution is measured from the HDV data being
played back, where the stored image is only 1440 pixels wide, I'd
suspect the resolution limit is due to the storage format.

On the other hand, if you get 800 TVL right off the sensor via the HDMI
output, that says that the lens/sensor resolution is only just good
enough for the 1440-pixel recorded format, and capturing at 1920x1080
won't give hardly any additional detail. In that case, Spex is right -
there's little point complaining about recording at 1440.




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