Posted by Kimba W Lion on 11/07/07 14:09
"Don Phillipson" <d.phillipsonSPAMBLOCK@ncf.ca> wrote:
>"Kimba W Lion" <kimbawlion> wrote in message
>> Commercial DVDs are constructed completely differently from recordable
>> DVDs, and should never go bad, assuming the factory did everything right.
>This may be reliable information in future but prima facie
>seems not to apply to commercial CDs sold in the 1990s,
>cf. the "epidemic" of disks turning gold and becoming unreadable.
That's why I included the clause about doing everything right. The same
thing happened to CDs from one major manufacturer in the 1990s. And every
time someone tries to cut costs without considering the consequences, it
will happen again. But these are defects, not inherent flaws in the media.
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