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HDTV is a big ripoff

Posted by robertking on 11/26/07 15:43

I've seen HDTVs in stores, restaurants, and many other places.
What's the big deal with them? They are priced about 10 or more times
the cost of a standard tv, and for what? Their picture is no better
than a newer standard tv. My 3 year old 21 inch flat screen tv with a
CRT has just as good of a picture as any HDTV. I paid $80 for it.
Worse yet, these HDTV's break up and get colored blotches all over the
screen when the signal is a little weak. My tv gets a little snow on
weaker channels but that sure is easier to watch than blotches on the
screen. HDTV is just a big scam to make lots of money from a tv.
Apparently the companies were not making enough profit selling
standard tvs so they came up with these crappy HDTVs so they could
rape consumers out of their savings. When HDTVs come down to $50 I
may buy one, till then, I'm happy with what I have, and even at $50,
if it's blotchy, I wont pay even one cent on it. There's a sucker
born every minute, and they mist be the ones buying the HDTVs.



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