Posted by Sean Black on 12/06/07 13:20
In message
Daniel T. <daniel_t@earthlink.net> writes
>Gorf <pew@pew.pew> wrote:
>> the problem is OBVIOUSLY the internet and movie pirates...
>I tell you what, I won't argue against your premiss. I fully accept that
>movie pirates are reducing the profits of the 5-10 conglomerates that
>produce major motion pictures and pop music. I just don't see that as a
>bad thing.
There are always going to be pirates, but if the studios/record
companies put out a decent product at a reasonable price, the majority
of people will pay for it. It's just when they try to push crap
(Spider-man 3, POTC 3 for example) on to people at rip-off prices, that
they'll look for other ways to obtain it.
Sean Black
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