Posted by Jacques E. Bouchard on 01/06/08 20:54
"nappy" <n@n.n> wrote in
> You can't seriously be suggesting a laptop is a replacement for a
> firestore mounted on the camera can you?
I'm very seriously stating that it offers more features. Did you happen
to read this paragraph that I wrote?
>> The reason I prefer a laptop isn't just that I can hook up any
>> external HDD to it, but with Adobe OnLocation it also serves as a
>> calibrated field monitor, waveform monitor, vectorscope, audio
>> spectrum analyzer, etc. Plus, I can review and organize clips right
>> as I record them.
Now, if I need mobility, I'll use DV tapes, which are more portable and
more secure than HDD, and don't require rechargeable batteries.
But if I'm going to be stationary, and I'm going to use a field monitor,
vectorscope, etc., then I have a 3lb Toshiba laptop with dual core that
can do all that and even editing if I want to.
The FireStore just seems redundant to me: pricier, and less features.
But, as I stated, that's my preference.
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