Posted by Tarkus on 01/08/08 18:18
The alMIGHTY N wrote:
> In any case, my point is that Disney hasn't even released what you
> consider lower-tier Disney classics to Blu-Ray. Most Disney classics
> are surefire hits that would bring a lot of people into the fold. The
> studios keep complaining about low consumer adoption and drastically
> reduced home video spending... releasing big movies is THE best way to
> get those numbers right back up.
I'm not convinced. A great many people have bitched that they will not
replace their current SD DVD library for one of the HD formats,
especially with upconverting technology, so I think the strategy of
releasing newer titles first was sound.
IOW, people are more likely to buy a new format if they don't already
have it on a format they consider acceptable. At least until they get
hooked into the new format.
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