Posted by Billy on 01/09/08 23:31
"The alMIGHTY N" <natlee75@yahoo.com> wrote in message
> On Jan 9, 5:05 pm, "boodybandit" <allaboutga...@comcast.net> wrote:
>> "TheGame" <n0n0n0n...@excite.com> wrote in message
>> news:1b8ed06e-a905-4cbe-a8ee-eb4d7eb2de82@i12g2000prf.googlegroups.com...
>> > Me thinks it was more about the $500 million sony gave WB than the
>> > number of PS3s sold...
>> Link?
> Even Bill Hunt of TheDigitalBits.com, who has been a Blu-Ray whore for
> quite some time now, acknowledges the payoff, but cites it as the way
> business works just like in every other industry.
> Anyway, this just means that the $500 million was more than whatever
> Toshiba offered Warner... (and Fox's alleged last-minute refusal to go
> HD-DVD exclusive might have contributed).
He's a Sony shill I don't read or believe anything that POS says. That is
coming from a Beta Ray supporter.
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